

The AVITHOR Pro-Peller system comprises two wings holding large reflective wings to provide a long-range strobe effect, and two reflective cups that add a menacing flashing pattern in all directions.

It rotates by means of its double bearing system, with the wings designed to rotate in even the lightest of breezes.

The unit is totally wind-driven. No electricity is needed.

This makes is a low cost, low maintenance system that is easy to install for effective open-area bird deterrence.

The wings and cup are made of ABS plastic and the mounting bracket is glass-filled nylon.

This ensures the longevity of the unit. It can also be used in coastal areas without the risk of corrosion.

 Approaching birds are discouraged by reflected light beams that flash at various angles from the rotating Pro-Peller.

The Pro-Peller unit will reduce daytime bird infestation. It is NOT intended to be used to deter roosting or nesting birds.

To ensure best results:

1) Install physical bird-proofing products at any nesting or roosting areas.

2) Ensure that easily accessible food sources are removed or covered.

3) Clean the Pro-Peller wings and cups every 3-4 months with window cleaning soap and water.

The Pro-Peller unit is completely modular and replacement wings and cups can easily be installed if needed.

The effective radius of the Pro-Peller unit is up to 15 m in direct sunlight.

The Pro-Peller can be used in association with other Eagle-eye models.