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HOPSTOP® Spray Control for Cane Toads

HOPSTOP® is a unique product, developed in Australia, that kills cane toads safely, effectively and humanely.

HOPSTOP is an aerosol spray, containing chloroxylenol as the active constituent, that is sprayed directly onto toads without any need to touch the animals. It anaesthetises toads within seconds, and kills them humanely in 30 - 60 minutes. Toads are physically unmarked by the treatment, and do not display unacceptable physical signs of distress or trauma as a consequence of treatment. In fact HOPSTOP is approved by the RSPCA for cane toad control, and by the Queensland Schools Animal Ethics Committee for euthanasing toads for school laboratory studies.

HOPSTOP is an important product for the safety of domestic pets and the protection of Australia’s wildlife. It also potentially opens up new opportunities for professional pest managers in cane toad affected regions through the provision of either toad control services or the supply of HOPSTOP to clients.

HOPSTOP is recommended by the Queensland Schools Animal Ethics Committee for euthanasing toads for school laboratory studies and referenced by the RSPCA as a humane method of killing cane toads.


Key Features

If you love your pets, Australia’s environment, and wildlife, then HOPSTOP is simply the best and most humane toad control product you will find. HOPSTOP is recommended by the Queensland Schools Animal Ethics Committee for euthanising toads for school laboratory studies and referenced by the RSPCA as a humane method of killing cane toads.

  • Humane Spray Control for Cane Toads
  • Easy to use
  • Anaesthetises toads within seconds, and kills them humanely in 30-60 minutes



Three locations were selected where toad densities facilitated collection of sufficient numbers of toads across a range of sizes for use in tests. These locations were in the Mareeba and Townsville areas of far north Queensland and in the Samford Valley just west of Brisbane, in south-eastern Queensland. Selected toads had weights recorded and were then treated with either one spray (duration of approximately 2-3 seconds) or two sprays (‘dual spray’, comprising one short spray of 1-2 seconds, followed by another 2-3 second spray when the toad had stopped moving). Previous dose selecting trials in laboratory and field trial situations had demonstrated that large toads require a higher dose for maximum product effect.

Toads became (on average) immobilised less than one minute after treatment, progressively losing responsiveness to external stimuli thereafter, and dying about 45 minutes after treatment. All observable indications suggested that the product provides a humane method for lethal control
of toads.

Tests of the dual spray method showed 100% control efficacy against a sample of toads that included large individuals of greater than 200 g weight.


Product Details

Active Ingredients: 40 g/kg chloroxylenol
Formulation Type: Aerosol
Pests Controlled: Cane toads
Pack Size / Code: 300 g (CHEHS1000)
Resistance Group: N/A


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