Points to Consider Before Selecting a Fly Light Trap

If you are a business owner finding it difficult to get rid of flies from your facility, you need an integrated approach to eliminate them. This kind of approach to pest management and control involves both preventive methodologies as well as improving your practices to reduce or eliminate food and food waste that are responsible for attracting flies.

Many different types of fly light traps are available on the market with various types of lamps, sizes, shapes, and fly elimination techniques. Choosing the right one for a given situation can be difficult. To help you make the right decision, here are the most important factors.

Attractiveness to flies: This is one of the most important factors to take into consideration while choosing your fly light trap. While reviewing different products, you will observe that all manufacturers clearly mention their device’s effectiveness, area covered, brightness, and much more. However, you must remember that all UV lamps are not the same. Studies indicate that the photoreceptors of flies are turned on in wavelengths of around 350 nanometres and this wavelength is closer to the UV output of high-end LEDs only. The intense light produced by high-end LEDs is within the most sensitive part of the UV spectrum, which can be seen by the flies. This is why such LED lights are a brighter light source for flies, compared to fluorescent lamps. Unfortunately there are many lamps on the market that do not perform at this high standard. So you need to be careful in your selevtion. If the price is low, be very wary of any claims made on performance.

Protected Area: Consider the shape and size of the room where you want to install the light traps. Any object blocking the UV light should also be taken into account. Naturally, compared to a dining area or restaurant kitchen, a larger unit would be required for a supermarket fresh-food counter. During installation, position your light traps between the entry point and places you want to protect.

Energy efficiency: Energy efficiency is yet another important consideration because fly light traps are used for several hours every day. Compared to fluorescent tubes that last about a year, the life span of low energy LED lamps used in fly light traps is around three years. The low-energy consumption and longer lifespan means reduced replacement and running costs. LEDs also have a lower carbon emission output compared to fluorescent lamps.

These are some of the most important factors to consider when purchasing fly light traps. Instead of doing all the hard work, you can also come straight to us at Vectothor. Our environmentally responsible fly light traps can solve all your fly related problems for once and all.
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