6 Natural Ways of Deterring Flies

Australia is a great place to live, but the flies can sure be a nuisance. Whether you run a business or are simply sick of flies getting in the way at home, there are a few natural ways to deter them. Whilst ensuring that all doors and windows are shut upon entry is a great place to start, we all know that flies still manage to find their way in eventually. Using a few common household ingredients, you can create your own barrier to deter flies.

These affordable fly deterrent methods are well worth trying out around your home or business. They are by no means long-term solutions, but they will help keep your fly problem under control in the meantime. For commercial fly control you can rely upon year-round, look no further than Vectothor fly control lamps.

Fly Species in Australia – How to Identify Them

Australia is home to around 30,000 species of fly, but we usually only see four of these. Each species has different characteristics, life cycles, breeding sites and habits. Below you will find some information on each of the 4 most common flies to assist with identification.

Adult Blow fly – the blow fly is clearly distinguished by its metallic blue body. It has similar behavioural characteristics to the house fly, and is about ¼ to ½”8-12mm in length.

House fly – the most common fly we often see indoors. It has four black stripes running along a grey coloured thorax, and usually a yellow abdomen. Eggs mature quickly, and they are particularly fond of breeding in decaying vegetable matter (e.g. uncovered rubbish bins) or even pet food. Fully grown, they are about 5-8mm in length.

Fruit Fly – Fruit flies have a yellow/brown appearance and are about 3mm in length. They like to hover, and you will usually find them around decaying fruit or unclean areas.

Bush Fly – Bush flies are about 2-6mm in length, and they live for between 2-5 weeks. They are attracted to humans and large animals, and they can transmit eye infections and other diseases. Bush flies look similar to house flies, but they are smaller.

6 Natural Fly Deterrents to Try

Basil Plants – the smell of basil is not appealing to flies, so it’s a good idea to have a few basil plants around your kitchen windows. You’ll have beautiful flavourful leaves on hand for all your cooking, and repel deter flies and mosquitoes in the process.

Cinnamon – another potent smell which flies can’t standdislike, cinnamon will help to freshen the air too. Place a few fresh cinnamon sticks in a jar (without a lid) and help keep the flies at bay.

Cloves – dried cloves smell lovely, but not to flies. This is one of the most effective ways of deterring flies, even more so when you combine cloves with citrus. If you don’t like the smell of cloves you might wish to try some of the other suggestions.

Essential Oils – aromatherapy is great for your personal enjoyment and wellbeing, but it can also help to deter flies. Essential oils which are particularly effective are peppermint, lavender, lemongrass and eucalyptus. Use this in your diffuser to keep your rooms smelling fresh and fly free.

Lavender – Lavender is available in many different forms, and flies hate them all. Try growing fresh plants in your garden, especially near any doors or windows. You can also use dried lavender and scented candles to help keep the flies at bay.

Trap of apple cider vinegar – If you want to trap fruit flies which find their way inside, you can try making a homemade fly trap with apple cider vinegar. Get a shallow bowl and place a small quantity of apple cider vinegar and liquid soap inside. The flies will be attracted to the apple scent, and will become trapped in the bowl when they land.

These methods all help, but you will still see some flies as they are not 100% effective, but they are natural and smell good.

Stop Flies Once and for All with Vectothor Fly Control Solutions

We hope you found the above fly repellent tips helpful. If you own a business and need a proven fly control system, get in touch with the team at Vectothor today. Astron lamps will help you catch more flies more quickly and are specifically targeted at the house fly vision spectrum. Call today on +61 2 9364 1800 or email info@vectothor.com for further information.

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